Below are 19 of the highest-rated "friendly" pubs and bars in Lancaster.Below are 19 of the highest-rated "friendly" pubs and bars in Lancaster.
Below are 19 of the highest-rated "friendly" pubs and bars in Lancaster.

The friendliest pubs and bars in Lancaster: 19 drinking spots in the city centre that have the highest ratings on Google reviews and customers describe as "friendly"

When it comes to going out for a drink, what do you look for in a pub or bar?

A great selection of drinks? Sports on TV? A pool table and dart board and good conversation?

Do you simply go to a place you know to be friendly and welcoming?

Well if you do and you’re looking for a new place to try, here are 19 of the highest-rated “friendly” pubs and bars in Lancaster city centre according to Google reviews.

All are rated 4.5 out of 5 or higher from a minimum of 30 reviews and the word “friendly” is mentioned by customers.

In no particular order, here they are...

Well if you do and you’re looking for a new place to try, here are 19 of the highest-rated “friendly” pubs and bars in Lancaster city centre according to Google reviews.

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