Facebook's 'like' button gets 'haha' and 'angry' as friends

Facebook's new 'like, sad and angry' iconsFacebook's new 'like, sad and angry' icons
Facebook's new 'like, sad and angry' icons
Facebook's "like" button is not going away, but it is about to get some company.

Facebook has been testing alternatives to "like" in about a half-dozen countries. On Wednesday, the social network will start making "haha," ''angry" and three other responses available in the US and the rest of the world.

In changing a core part of Facebook, the company says it tried to keep things familiar. The thumbs-up "like" button will look the same, without the other choices cluttering the screen or confusing people. Users will have to hold that button for a second or two for the alternatives.

The rollout is expected to take a few days.

Users will get the feature automatically on web browsers, but an app update will be required on iPhones and Android devices.

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