Here are just some of the adorable chicks and cubs the charity’s dedicated, expert, staff are currently taking care of.
Please visit the charity’s website or call the donation line on 0300 123 8181.

. A rescued Lancashire owlet
Animal rescue officer Helen Chapman was called out to two owlets who’d been spotted in Rochdale, Lancashire, just minutes apart. An experienced RSPCA rescuer could hear mum in a tree calling for them nearby so she kept them warm and safe in a cardboard box before placing them at the base of their tree where they managed to climb back up to their mum. Healthy owlets have fluffy brown feathers and pink eyelids. They go through a ‘branching’ phase where they leave their best but can’t fly. Adults use calls to locate them and feed them on the ground. Owlets can climb vertically back up trees into their nests so you should leave them where they are unless they’re in immediate danger, in which case please call the RSPCA for further advice. Photo: RSPCA

. A rescued Lancashire owlet
Animal rescue officer Helen Chapman was called out to two owlets who’d been spotted in Rochdale, Lancashire, just minutes apart. An experienced RSPCA rescuer could hear mum in a tree calling for them nearby so she kept them warm and safe in a cardboard box before placing them at the base of their tree where they managed to climb back up to their mum. Healthy owlets have fluffy brown feathers and pink eyelids. They go through a ‘branching’ phase where they leave their best but can’t fly. Adults use calls to locate them and feed them on the ground. Owlets can climb vertically back up trees into their nests so you should leave them where they are unless they’re in immediate danger, in which case please call the RSPCA for further advice. Photo: RSPCA

1. A rescued Lancashire owlet
Animal rescue officer Helen Chapman was called out to two owlets who’d been spotted in Rochdale, Lancashire, just minutes apart. An experienced RSPCA rescuer could hear mum in a tree calling for them nearby so she kept them warm and safe in a cardboard box before placing them at the base of their tree where they managed to climb back up to their mum. Healthy owlets have fluffy brown feathers and pink eyelids. They go through a ‘branching’ phase where they leave their best but can’t fly. Adults use calls to locate them and feed them on the ground. Owlets can climb vertically back up trees into their nests so you should leave them where they are unless they’re in immediate danger, in which case please call the RSPCA for further advice. Photo: RSPCA

2. A rescued fluffy Cygnet
Cygnet: The East Winch Wildlife Centre team, in Norfolk, is looking after an adorable cygnet who was rescued on 25 March from Grantham, Lincolnshire, after being found alone. A member of the public grew concerned as the tiny bird was being harassed by cats and a wildlife casualty volunteer went to collect him. Staff kept him warm and cosy by keeping him with a cuddly toy swan for him to snuggle up to. Cygnets and goslings don’t normally stray far from their parents so mum will normally be close by. If you’re concerned, please monitor from a safe distance. If their parents don’t return within two hours or they’ve been killed, contact a local wildlife rehabilitator or vet for advice. Photo: RSPCA

3. Rescued otter pup
An otter pup was found by a member of the public near a bridge in Boston, Lincolnshire, all alone. They took him to a local vet who called the RSPCA for help. An animal rescue officer went to collect the little baby and he was taken in by East Winch Wildlife Centre, in Norfolk, before being moved to the specialist team at Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre, in Shropshire, where he’ll be cared for until he’s big enough to be released. If you come across a baby otter please watch from a distance ideally for 24 hours or at least overnight to see if the parents return. If they don’t, please call the RSPCA’s emergency line on 0300 1234 999. Photo: RSPCA

4. Rescued baby badger
A tiny badger cub was found by a dog and brought in by the dog’s concerned owner on March 19 and rushed into the team at Mallydams Wood Wildlife Centre, in East Sussex. Experts fear he’d been displaced from his sett by another badger or disturbed by another animal. Staff took the tiny cub home for regular night feeds to stabilise him before passing him to the team at Folly Wildlife Rescue so he could join their group of cubs for rearing and socialisation. Now named Freddie Mercury, he will remain in their care until September when he’s big enough to be released back into the wild. Badger cubs stay below ground and begin to emerge at around eight to ten-weeks-old but remain reliant on their mothers for some time. If you find a cub on its own who looks healthy and has open eyes, monitor it from a distance for at least 24 hours. If you’re worried they may be alone, leave them with dog food and water and check on them 24 hours later. Don’t get too close or touch them as they can bite. Contact the RSPCA or a wildlife rescuer for advice if the badger is in immediate danger such as in a hazardous location, appears sick or injured, or there are signs that their sett has been damaged. Photo: RSPCA