Living near a pub makes you happy!

How happy are you feeling today? Mildly, ecstatic, so so? It seems your well being could just be linked to what type of business you live near.

Research has somehow confirmed what people who like a tipple or two have known for years - living by a pub makes you happier.

Okay, the researchers were from the University of Oxford and we all know that students probably camp out in pubs for the first two years of their studies. It was however commissioned by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and they underlined the value of face-to-face interaction people get from going out to the pub.

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The study also revealed that those who had a pub nearby were significantly happier, had more friends, better life satisfaction and were more likely to drink in moderation.

Mick Dennison. Pub Landlord. York Hotel, Morecambe.Mick Dennison. Pub Landlord. York Hotel, Morecambe.
Mick Dennison. Pub Landlord. York Hotel, Morecambe.

Many of my regulars who live around the York are certainly happy, usually ten minutes before “chucking out” time and certainly after a few more than a moderate amount of alcohol.

This should be good news for licensees in the area and maybe something they could use as a selling point to drag reluctant local residents out of their houses and into their pubs.

I don’t hold my breath on that one as Facebook has taken on the new mantle of a friendship circle, or so a lot of people believe. One of the researchers at Oxford says, “Making and maintaining friendships is something that has to be done face-to-face. The digital world is simply no substitute.” Hear, hear I say. If you want to get on Facebook kill two birds with one stone - use the pub Wi-Fi!

CAMRA go one better by stating, “Pubs offer a social environment to enjoy a drink with friends in a responsible, community setting.” True words indeed.

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