Chris Dickson said: “We had thousands turn up on Halloween night. It's the biggest Halloween event in the area. I was totally overwhelmed by the the number of families that attended.
"The visit by Lancaster Ghostbusters really added to the event. We have had hundreds of thank you's from people that came.
“We have already started planning next year's event which will be the even bigger.
"We raised £1513.86 which gets doubled to £3027.72 plus an additional £41 by people using the QR scanner code for CancerCare North Lancashire and South Cumbria.
"Thank you to all the businesses that have supported the event, people that helped setting up, and taking down the display and people that helped on the night handing out sweets, thank you to the
"wife for organising me lol Sharon Pennington Dickson and a huge thank you to you, the families that turned up enjoyed the show and donated to our local Cancer charity.
"Another big thank you to Mark Stanway and Emily Thompson from BB'S Snack Bar the burger station was brilliant!
"The father-in-law Arthur for spending ages building new characters- including the pumpkin with his bottom out!
"Linda Pennington, thank you to Lancaster Ghostbusters they were brilliant! Also Rachel Macfarlane from Team Reece for lending us a few items from their display.
"Thank you to the admins from social media pages that allowed us to advertise the event. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
"Same time next year folks, but bigger I promise!”