Massive Wagons frontman Baz and guitarist Adam with some of the Year 5 children at Dallas Road.Massive Wagons frontman Baz and guitarist Adam with some of the Year 5 children at Dallas Road.
Massive Wagons frontman Baz and guitarist Adam with some of the Year 5 children at Dallas Road.

Lancaster band Massive Wagons chat to schoolchildren during visit home for music festival

Local heroes Massive Wagons took a trip back to school during their visit home for Lancaster Music Festival.

The top-10 charting Lancaster rock band’s frontman Baz and guitarist Adam spent some time with children at Dallas Road Community Primary School last Friday to do 40-minute talks to both of the Year 5 classes.

They chatted to the youngsters on the subject of bullying, which ties into recent singles from the band, and a wider topic over their album.

The pair spoke to the pupils about different forms of bullying and the effect it can have on people, as well as who to talk to, how to ask for help, and their own experiences.

This was followed by a few acoustic songs with help from the kids on percussion.

The band also put together a couple of special, intimate VIP gigs and experiences for this year’s Lancaster Music Festival.

From the bar at Lancaster Brewery - complete with specially brewed beer - to behind bars in the A-Wing at Lancaster Castle, it was an amazing couple of acoustic sets for Wagons fans.

And they even let the lads out again to play a barnstorming Sugarhouse gig on Sunday night.

The band has a new album coming out on October 28, followed by a full UK tour with Ugly Kid Joe in November.

Pictures by Nettlespie Photography.

The pair spoke to the pupils about different forms of bullying and the effect it can have on people, as well as who to talk to, how to ask for help, and their own experiences.

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