Volunteers refurbish Sunderland Point toilets

Brian Holmes outside Sunderland Point toilets.Brian Holmes outside Sunderland Point toilets.
Brian Holmes outside Sunderland Point toilets.
Public toilets which were under threat of demolition have been refurbished thanks to volunteers.

The toilets at Sunderland Point were under threat of closure a few years ago due to government funding cuts.

But now the lavatories, owned by Lancaster City Council, have been updated thanks to Overton Parish Council and residents.

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The Friends of Sunderland Point have thanked resident, Brian Holmes, who they say led the way to save the toilets.

“What Brian has done is marvellous,it’s great to have the toilets looking to a high standard,” said Margaret, one of the group members.

The cleaning at the toilets is maintained everyday by volunteers but work needed doing to replace plaster and add further cubicles.

“I was surprised they still had public toilets when I came to live here a year ago, not many places do now due to funding cuts,” said Brian.

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“I just wanted the toilets to continue to run, Sunderland Point is a wonderful place.”

To celebrate the refurbishment residents organised a grand re-opening with musician Titus singing “I’m not paying 50p to have a pee.”